Monday, May 9, 2011

"No ceiling on hard living, peace keepers keep on breathing."

I wonder if I actually have regular readers...

I'm about to graduate from university. I'm not sure what to think about that. On one hand I'm happy to be jumping from this sinking ship known as the California public education system, on the other hand I'm going to be swimming back onto it if (and by if I mean probably) I'm accepted into the master's program. On another third hand, oh hey, its life, and its pissed. This is the worst time in a long time to be entering it, and especially for someone like me who will not kill another person for a job and has these problems with studying, focusing, and being a happy and motivated person in general. Not to mention I wasn't cool enough or something to be accepted into the UC graduate program.


I just got through 2001: A Space Odyssey, I've forgotten how amazing Arthur C. Clarke was.

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