Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Its that Tomino-esque thing, saying its Gundam, but basically its giant robot anime.

Who's the girl in the banner you might wonder? This is the origin of that.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I miss the comfort in being sad.

To be honest with myself this decade is really fucking boring.

I didn't realize it when I bought it, but I have almost that same exact sweater.

But you know what? Sweaters were way better in the 90s, all we have nowadays are hoodies.
Most things in the 90s were better.

Friday, September 25, 2009

James died for someone's sins [girls], but not mine.

I came across this in Las Vegas.
Its familiar isn't it?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

All of us have a place in history. Mine is clouds.

Not that I'm interesting enough to have a blog but whatever, right?

As a band name, "Believe It Or Not I Care".


Watch "Pump Up the Volume" and you'll understand its context, but in a nutshell its a suicide help hotline that the highschool in the film sets up that is laughed at by all the cool alternative kids.