Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Nirvarna is cool."

If Katie fails to get me out of the house, this is what we end up doing. I can translate life through Youtube.

I'm very much the Beavis, she is Butthead.

Finals are almost over, its the home stretch but its getting excessively difficult to focus. My professor however has deemed another term paper as award-worthy, so another check maybe? That would be nice. Last time I got something like $400, could've been more but I had to share the money with three other people. Buzz kill.

For things that I have been putting off, they are not forgotten, I will attend to them as soon as possible.

I was at the library book sale and I picked this up.
It looks cool. Its like Haeckel-esque artwork and dissected bugs. "Postmodernist" biological works of art the back promised. I am unfamiliar with the artist, Mark Fairnington, however I couldn't pass this up. It seems most interesting.

I saw a live Mantis however chilling upside-down above my mailbox, I took a picture of it, but I do not have it readily available right now. So you'll just have to wait.

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