Monday, September 20, 2010

"I had a muthafucking dream too, Martin Luther King Jr." Pt. 3 (Fear vs. Faith)

I've been having violent dreams recently, I can't explain why but there is a common thread in that it involves a conflict with religion or faith. In the first which I had about a week and a half ago I dreamt I was trapped in a sky rise controlled by a cult. The cult leader would quiz us imprisoned on the religion itself, and those us of who could not answer the questions correctly or angered him through one reason or another would be shot on the spot. Upon reaching me, I couldn't answer the question but before I was shot someone else rose and spoke out of turn, resulting in his subsequent termination and my brief reprieve. I didn't get to the end of that one.

The other dream was far more grizzly and disturbing, it involved a man driving around in his car, testing pedestrians on Christian subject matters, those he deemed in league with the church would be spared, those who did not were shot dead. When he encountered me I managed to escape, however he tracked me to my house where I had to (in my own defense) kill him with a knife rather brutally. What strikes me even beyond that was the vividness of it, I remember after he was dead, I was speaking with my mother, she was saying that though I saved myself I must now face the judgement of law. I told her "no, this is a dream, this is not really happening", she said "well, maybe, or maybe not, you'll have to find out."

I do not know what they mean, but I do not feel comfortable with them.

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